Make way for walking and cycling

Enabling more people to walk and cycle safely is essential to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. 

PATH (Partnership for Active Travel and Health) is a coalition calling on governments and cities to make a real commitment to walking and cycling as a key solution to the climate, health and equity challenges we face.

Report: National Policies for Walking and Cycling in all 197 UNFCCC countries

Most Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) significantly undervalue the potential to enable more people to walk and cycle safely as a key solution to climate, health and equity challenges. This report analyses NDCs and other national walking and cycling policies and strategies in the 197 UNFCCC countries.

Regional fact sheets for Walking and Cycling in all 197 UNFCCC countries

Based on PATH’s 2023 UNFCCC report, these fact sheets feature a comprehensive set of infographics analysing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Walking Policy (NWP), and National Cycling Policy (NCP) across six regions, detailing their objectives, actions, investments, and evaluations.

Active travel NDC template to assist all national governments

PATH has developed this template to assist all national governments to be more ambitious and impactful for walking and cycling in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). This document provides a template for governments to use to guide and take action; from setting a vision through to the development of goals, objectives, actions and measures to achieve better active travel outcomes.

Walking, Cycling Walking, Cycling Walking, Cycling Walking, Cycling Walking, Cycling Walking, Cycling

Partnership for Active Travel and Health

The PATH partnership is composed of leading organisations in the sustainable mobility community who collaborate to promote walking and cycling. It is coordinated by a core group consisting of the FIA Foundation – who are funding the coordination work – Walk21, the European Cyclists’ Federation and the UN Environment Programme.